Down Like the Syndrome

You may have noticed that haven’t been any blog posts in the past week. I’m sure the speculation over the reason for this runs the gamut from “Dave was too drunk” to “Dave was too incarcerated.” Both are reasonable suspicions but in this case, I have a legitimate excuse involving a 17 year-old girl.

No, you sick bastards, it’s not what you think. My friend Alex, who hosts this site, had his daughter visit from Florida. The spare bedroom in his house is downstairs, the same place he keeps servers, routers, and other equipment that makes the area about as loud as an airport runway. He had to unplug a few unneeded boxes and move stuff around to bring the decimal level down to where she could actually sleep.

It was a rush job, so there were a few problems. DNS resolution became spotty, rendering site access intermittent, and an either non-functioning or unreachable MySQL DB server made updates impossible.

Fortunately, everything is fixed now. Alex moved my site to a server in an actual data center where computers can be as loud as hell, only disturbing the slumber of people who shouldn’t be sleeping on the job anyway.

Thank you, Alex. I owe you yet another drink.

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