Jumping on the Fatwa Bandwagon

I read that another cartoonist, this one from Sweden in deep doodie for making light of the prophet Mohammad. I don’t have anything against Muslims, other than their dislike of booze and uppity women (two things I cannot live without). It seems though that the more strident followers of Islam really need to get past their kill-the-infidels phase. Fundamentalist Christians aren’t a lot of fun either but most of them have given up bumping off heretics and heathens, at least in my neck of the woods. In the Balkans and Rwanda, your mileage may vary.

I wanted to print the cartoon here to show some support for both the cartoonist and the cause of free expression. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find it. No matter, I drew one of my own on a cocktail napkin last night.

Again, this is not a slam against religion. It is a blow for freedom. If anyone feels like beheading me, you can find me at the Argus.

Peace out, pilgrim.

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