Category Archives: Uncategorized

Life Can Be a Yawner Sometimes

I said I wouldn’t post until Monday. I lied. Deal with it.

Right now, I’m cooped up at the office, waiting for a process to complete so we can launch the latest and greatest version of the software. It’ll be another hour before we can jump in and start making the magic happen. For now, I sit here and cut the cheese, living a life of silent-but-deadly desperation.

Since noon, I’ve brought myself up do date with my friends’ blogs, read a few op-ed pieces on Yahoo News, and learned that Jim Mitchell had died. Poor Jim. I admire his contributions to my local sleaze community but can’t bring myself to mourn his passing. He did murder his brother after all. My own brother Gordon has shown admirable restraint in that department and I applaud him for it.

I’m not sure when I’ll get to blow out of here. My guess is that it will be about eight this evening. Whatever time this happens, I’ll be at the Argus shortly thereafter. If you see me there, offering your sympathies would be greatly appreciated. Please remember that sympathies are most effective when offered in liquor form.